10 February 2016

Cecilia Waterfall in the mist

We stared at the Food Lady until it was time to go for our walk to the Cecilia Waterfall with Honey and Sue this beautifully cool and misty morning.
We saw a Red Disa (Disa uniflora) in the river below the waterfall. 
Tea at the waterfall with Sue and the Alph - and Honey in a hole under the fallen tree -  
looking all cosy and comfy.
I played Lady of the Rushie River,
while the Lad did some rodent hunting.
And the Food Lady photographed an Altyd Vygie (Erepsia anceps) - one of the few vygies that stay open in wet weather.
Time to get going again.
This is a strange dodder-like plant called Devil's Tresses (Cassytha ciliolata) which is a member of the Lauraceae family and therefore related to Stinkwood trees!
A Blister Bush (Notobubon galbanum) looming out of the mist. Luckily they need direct sunlight to induce blistering and there was none today.  
Up and down we went ...
and along a gravelly road
past Thea's great gumtree,
down into the forest again - festooned with twirly creepers like this Christmas bauble creeper (Asparagus scandens),
and back to the cars in the company of several other friendly dogs.
Our human brother is at home, back from South Korea for a holiday, so we had to hurry home to him.

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